Soldiers of Peace International Association
English Version
Newsletter n° 4/2021
Dear General Officers, Presidents, national executives, and members of our NGO, I hope
you had great week.
Since 1988, when our NGO was created, we have evolved a lot and have become aware
of our work and the position we must have and which is ours. As you know, we are
benefiting from the aura of our commitment as blue helmets, and for many people, is
something respectable and represents values.
Our recognition by the United Nations gives us this diplomatic aspect and makes us
diplomats who can bring their ideas and contributions to the resolution of conflicts.
Belonging to our association makes us involved in humanitarian and social action, and it
also requires us to participate in the education and training of the younger generations in
order to bring this hope for peace to their hearts and minds, and to consolidate it in order to
achieve a better and equal world for all.
We will be able to express this equal world for all on Monday, by celebrating
international Women’s Day, with a special focus on the role of women in war, both civil
and military. With, for the military, a questioning of their commitments, that is to say the
vision they offer to the belligerents and their status as women, wives and mothers. Is it
compatible with their commitments? From this questioning, we will start with a
commitment to the United Nations organisations dealing with this subject in order to bring
their voices to the highest level of diplomacy. And we hope, in order to make international
law and respect for their dignity evolve. Without forgetting, in general, the various attacks
on their integrity, at the societal, cultural and political levels.
At headquarters, we are actively preparing for the National Day for the War Wounded.
We also participate in and organise the “March of Sacrifice” from 14th July 2021 to 28th July
2021, dedicated to all those who have made a sacrifice for their nations and peace: widows,
orphans and war-wounded.
We are also preparing two important days. The International Day of UN Peacekeepers,
on 29th May in each country and on 1st June in Geneva. We would like that from now on
you will be able to register in order to organise your welcome, both from a health and
technical point of view. On 21th September, we are preparing the international Day of Peace
At headquarters, we participated in several videoconferences, with our future delegations
in India and Thailand. We were very pleased to be able to exchange and agree on an agenda
to develop our NGO in their countries. We were also very glad to receive your Vice-
President Albert Tibor and a representative of the AISP/SPIA in Portugal.
We are also in the recruitment process for interns from all over the world. They are
students in international relations, law, political science and communication. Thanks to
them and their work, the AISP/SPIA is beginning to be recognised in terms of conflict
resolution and as a think tank. We can congratulate Mr. Amaury Dufay who is working on
the nomenclature of the Academy of Peace and its structuring. Concerning our humanitarian
programme, Mrs. Nataliia Dolgopolova has been appointed to be in charge of this
programme and its development. A small team helps her. She is also preparing containers
for Lebanon and Somaliland. She is actively looking for donations of medical and
pharmaceutical products.
We are working with a new team on our request for the creation, by the international
community, of an International Islands Day. Unfortunately, this project has been slowed
down due to the health restrictions and few UN staff working in New York and Geneva.
Concerning the Young Peacemakers programme, it is developing very well in France.
Many young people have decided to join the programme and it is beginning to expand
through all the country. I suggest you to visit the following sites:
I would like to thank our Senegalese companions, especially Minister Abdou Fall, Vice-
President for West Africa, and the General El Hadji Alioune Samba. They were able to
gather around them a team that held its first meeting on February 20th in Dakar, for the
preparation of their constitutive general assembly scheduled for March 27th, 2021. Pictures
have been sent to us. They reflect a fraternal and convivial spirit, which is the spirit that
should reign during the meetings of the AISP/SPIA. Thank you once again.
Having just bought a ZOOM subscription for our NGO, I would like us to be able to hold
videoconferences on a more regular basis, in order to better know you and be able to set up
a common calendar to help each other with the various actions we carry out in our countries.
Wishing you a good weekend,
Mr. Laurent Attar-Bayrou
International President of AISP / SPIA
Calendar 2021:
May 2021: International Peace Missions Conference organized by HRA, in close
cooperation with SPIA (Szolnok, HUNGARY)
June 2021: International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers (GENEVA, SWISS)
21-22 August 2021: International Peacekeeper Motorcycle Meeting (AUSTRIA)
18 September: Golf Charity Tournament Golfclub Föhrenberg (AUSTRIA)
24-26 September: International Shooting and Patrol Competition (Nagybarca,
24-26 September: National Assembly Austrian Peacekeepers Innsbruck/Tyrol
14-15 October: Blue Helmet Forum Austria, Vienne/National Defence Academy
21-24 October: Forum of War Veterans (SLOVAKIA)